First Name
Last Name
Who will be the primary care giver for this bird?
Are all adults of the household aware that you are applying to adopt a bird?
In what type of residence do you live? (House, Condominium, Apartment, Other)
Do you rent or own your home? If renting, does your landlord allow pets?
Landlord’s Name and Phone:
Does anyone in your household have allergies?If yes, Please list
Does anyone in your household have a health condition that could hinder his or her ability to handle or care for the bird? If Yes please explain.
Does anyone in your home smoke?
Do you currently have other pets in your home? If yes, how many and what type?
Have you had pets previously that you no longer own? If yes, what happened to them?
How many hours per day will an adopted bird be home alone (without human companionship):
If you have pets currently, do you have a veterinarian you regularly use? Vet’s name, Hospital name, And Phone number:
If you have a veterinarian, is he or she an avian veterinarian (does he or she treat birds)?
If, you do not have an avian vet, do you need a list of avian veterinarians in your area?
Do you need information on proper bird care and quarantine procedures?
If your employment, family or primary relationships were to change significantly, would you be able to keep your commitment to owning and caring for a bird?
How did you hear about Ginger’s Parrots?
What experiences have you had with pet birds (whether your own or those belonging to other people?
If you have never had a bird, why do you want one as a pet?
Briefly explain proper bird care:
If your adopted bird developed a behavioral problem how would you deal with it?
How do you feel about wing clipping and the idea of a bird flying around your home?
How much money do you plan to spend on your new bird each month?
Please list at least 2 people, not relatives if possible, who have known you for at least 5 years. With complete contact info.
Reference 2
Reference 3
I understand a bird adopted from Ginger’s Parrots Rescue must be kept in my home. If I can no longer keep the bird for any reason, it will be returned to Ginger’s Parrots Rescue. I understand that I must contact Ginger if any of my contact information changes (including phone number(s), address(es) and e-mail address(es). I also agree to a home visit before being approved to adopt a bird. I understand that Ginger or a representative of the rescue (a.k.a. Ginger’s Parrots Rescue) may make periodic home visits to check on the bird. I also understand that the references listed above may be contacted before this application is approved.
Name 1
First Name
Last Name
Name 2
First Name
Last Name